A Star is Born...Errrr Sorta?

Please meet Tasti Tussock who after an exhaustive process is appointed the new editor for Tussock Tales Blipping and Dogs Ltd (very limited).
Tiny will remain the travel editor and just to remind you that Tuss (The original) has retired to grandmother puppies and other really fun stuff.
She has been appointed “Foreign Correspondent” and we will continue to hear from her as her work schedule permits. 
“Wooft”.   Thats a Tasti Woof...OK?
Firstly I would like to thank you all for the wonderful way you have supported The Boss and Tuss and Tiny for the last 8 years. Its Stirling stuff and you can be assured that I will be handing out the cheese (Tasti) as set out in my rules of engagement.
Err... Do you think this is my best side?

Flash  Eh?

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