Path to Ben Nevis

A windy day, and mostly dull.  Way too warm for the time of year. 

Headed out for a run after breakfast.  We were heading for Fort William, with a few stops along the way, mostly photos, cuppa and shopping.  I captured a near death of a young boy at the Lower Falls in Glen Nevis, as he nearly got swept down river, thankfully his father rescued him.  Back to the chalet and mince and tatties for tea.  A quiet night in. 

The dull day didn't make for a good photo anywhere, and most certainly not for climbing up this monster.  Standing over 4,400ft, I wasn't going to attempt it on this day.  Although this isn't the summit, I was saddened to see a lack of snow on all the mountains, and such a warm wind for the time of year.  Here's some coming down the path, but they don't look like they've been to the top.  Looking up to Ben Nevis, Glen Nevis.  

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