I was Frosty!

I wouldn't call myself a frosty person, but if you'd met me at 7 this morning you would have seen me at my very worst.

I struggled to get up, dragged on my clothes and headed out with the dog.
There was a car parked in front of my garage, and down towards the lane was a security guy with a walkie-talkie and high viz jacket.

I had been informed a film crew was arriving on the farm to make an episode of Jonathan Creek.

"Excuse me" I said to the Hi Viz guy. "Is this your car parked in front of my garage?"

"Yes love, let me just get all the vehicles in that are relying on me"

'Are they complete morons?' I thought. 'There's a blipping great signpost directing them, do they really need you too?'

"Ok, well, if you can move it it 20 minutes"

The thing is, my car wasn't actually in the garage, it was on the drive round the front of the cottage, and I could just drive away when I needed to.

I had breakfast, got ready to go and went out just as Hi Viz was moving his car. I then went through a stupid charade of driving round to the garage and pretended to take some bulky items from the garage and put them in the boot of the car.

Just at that point a chauffeur driven Mercedes drove past with Jonathan Creek himself (aka Alan Davies) in the back.

I wonder what he would have made of my tantrum!!!!

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