Quiet streets

Does anyone else think it's darker now in the mornings and evenings than it was before Christmas? Thought it was supposed to get lighter now that the shortest day of the year has passed???

Anyway, I trekked around the streets of Edinburgh this morning on my lead for about 45 mins. It was quiet. This photo was taken about 8.45am and there was hardly anyone about.

And then I went to the park a few hours later and it was like the whole of Edinburgh had woken up and were playing with their pooches. OMG what a fabulous play I had! And NO, I'm not exaggerating. There were zillions of dogs in the park today. Most of the dogs that I played with were Labradors/Golden Retrievers and things that had been crossed with a poodle so were somethingdoodles.................. Everyone in Edinburgh has a Pedigree dog.

When Ann owned MollyCollie she used to get ignored and no-one talked to her because MollyCollie was a black & white collie, she wasn't a pedigree, and she was old. Ann still really, really, really misses MollyCollie. I'm a very sensitive little puppy so I try to understand. I know MollyCollie was Ann's very first dog and that she loved her loads. But do you know what?..................... I am the most chillaxed little puppy ever. And even though Ann loved MollyCollie; I know that she loves me too...................

So to get back to our day................ After my play in the park, Ann had to go out for a couple of hours. I was a very good little puppy. I just snoozed in my bed. Phew! Ann was very pleased with me because for the last couple of weeks I've not really spent a lot of time 'home alone'. And then when Ann came home I had another trek around in the dark on my lead. It was a bit busier on this main road in Edinburgh than it was this morning.

…...............And now I'm snoozing in my new bed. And Ann's watching 'Britains Best Loved Sitcoms'.

Happy Saturday Night Blippers. xxxx

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