cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"bananas don't float..." said the Orangutan floated to you on a bunch of bananas but bananas don't float!

Life of Pi - amazing movie!!!!!!!! And even more amazing in 3D!

This was a film I was looking forward to seeing and it certainly didn't disappoint! Ang Lee has once again surpassed himself in the world of directing! An amazing story of life and I suppose friendship - even a friendship with a Bengal Tiger!! :) It wasn't until tonight that I realised that the story of Life of Pi has very similar hidden meanings to its main plot to those hidden in C.S Lewis' land of Narnia - those meanings being ones of faith. Faith in yourself, faith in others and faith in God. It wasn't a faith centred movie by any means but it was script writing genius!

It's been a long time since I have been so blown away by a film and left the cinema with a smile! Great movie!!! Next on the list - Les Miserables!!!

"Above all, don't lose hope!"

# Life of Pi - Yann Martel #

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