Sophie, Grandma & An Ugly Sister

I was warned by Tess to be very careful about how I described today's blip, so the title is the safe version, designed to maintain marital harmony :)

As you will have gathered, this afternoon saw the annual family visit to the local Panto. This year it was Cinderella and, as always, the cast posed for photos afterwards. The ugly sister in question here is one of Tess's "Dads" (I.e. his children used to attend the playgroup Tess ran) and was one of the stars of the show.

Once again, Sophie was totally captivated by it all.

This morning saw us all attempt the park run. Considering we've missed the last four weeks and it was like running through a quagmire in places, the times were very respectable and Sophie did well to complete two of the three laps.

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