
By JimNotJon

Supermarket Sweep...

Slightly giving away where I work with today's shot ;)

I am a delivery driver for Waitrose here in Lincoln and after a day of delivering, sometimes I bring back unwanted items from customers. Usually there aren't many, but this evening it was an entire order from a customer. The customer had an order earlier on today, and this one was billed to him, but was to be delivered to another address, but due to something I am not quite clear of, it was unwanted and had to be returned, for me to put away back on the shelves tonight.

Have always had this idea to do this shot in my head but never had time. I had a spare 15 minutes this evening so thought I'd give it a go. It hasn't turned out how I had imagined. I wanted to frame it in portrait but my Manfrotto Super Clamp wasn't able to grip strong enough to the side of the trolly, and mounting it on the handle wasn't going to allow me enough articulation to get it into portrait mode. Given a bit more time I could have sussed it but I was tired and hungry and wanted to go home.

Anyway, I still like the shot, and know now it's one I need to improve on in the future.

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