Art in the City

Art can make a city especially if it’s “funky” different and unexpected and these guys (girls) (fish) point the way to one  of the interesting alleyways that run off our “Golden Mile” which is Lambton Quay. The City was busy today with a couple of Cruise ships in Harbour and folk clutching maps everywhere but the best meet of the day was a couple in the Botanical Gardens where The Boss was going for a Crepe lunch. They were from Honolulu and The “B’s” visited that place about 35 years ago. They said it has changed since then and that they NEVER went to Waikiki Beach, didn’t like Queenstown much, (he forgot to ask about Wanaka) and were walking the City to Sea (Southern Walkway) which The Boss thought was great.. The Boss didn't get his Crepes as the contents of 2 Cruise ships had thought of it before he sat on the side of a hill in the gardens, admired the view (extra) and toasted his good fortune with Zero ( which for some strange reason is still available in Wellington Supermarkets) . ..14,460 staggers 

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