Lululemon Mural

It was colder here yesterday than it was in Chicago. 
I dug my ski jacket out of the closet to wear to class this morning over two shirts and a sweater. Everything looked quite pretty under a coat of frost as I drove through town but I was grateful for the heated seats in my car. I thought they were kind of a silly indulgence in a California car, but they have proved themselves many times over....I love them now. I wonder if they make heated steering wheels?

The weak link in my defenses against the cold is yoga tights, which seem to conduct the cold straight to the skin! Bolstered by exercise and  good conversation over coffee afterward, I took myself off to Lululemon in search of warmer tights. The problem is getting ones that won't be too hot in class. Everything in the shopping center, except the bakery and Lululemon, opens at 10am. Lululemon doesn't open until 11 which means finding something to do because I forgot that. The bakery opens at 7 and I contemplated getting a cardamon roll, but decided they had probably already sold out of them. Instead I went to the shoe store and bought a pair of Ugg boots. 

By the time I got back to Lululemon they were open and it was a mob scene. By the time I tried on a couple of pairs of tights and a shirt, the line to pay for them stretched to the back of the store. I had plenty of time to contemplate the mural on the wall behind the counter. (I was going to say the 'cash register' but realized that would really be showing my age which I was already feeling in a store heaving with svelte young bodies returning their too big Christmas presents.) The scene in the mural on the wall seemed fairly accurate...

Fergus, our resident frog, and friends have returned from wherever they go and are now announcing the cocktail hour....

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