My Xmas pressie from a nimble fingered friend.
Love them! Sandy has an all singing, all dancing, sewing machine that does well, just about everything. She also made the fabric gift bag they came in. A great idea.
Sitting up in bed early this morning first I heard an owl nearby, then the dawn chorus. A simple pleasure.That's two nights running I've heard an owl. It's good to know they're around.
Been dosing myself up with the Paracetemol, still not managed to shake my cold off. Had a phone call from Mum, family are visiting her this afternoon. Eliza is behaving as if nothing has happened. Tom & Ashley took her back to the hospital yesterday to get her burns checked. They are really pleased with her progress, had fresh dressings applied, they hopefully won't need to go back to Derriford again. The district nurse will visit Eliza at home. Her behavior is just as if nothing has happened, now even sleeping on her tummy, which she had never done before. Thank goodness she's mending well.
Another day of not going out but plenty to do. Stripped the duck, bagged up the meat for the freezer, boiled the carcass for stock. Plucked and cleaned the pheasants, portioned, frozen, carcasses cooked up for stock. Baked ham for dinner tonight.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting flower friday
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