Snack Wednesday back on track...
My Mum has stopped being selfish and having savoury days and thankfully she did not go over to the dark side,I won her back with choca-mocha cupcakes and also Lime and Coconut cupcakes and a family bar of galaxy chocolate.We spent a few hours just laying about watching terrible TV and then slagging it off but still continuing to watch it all :D hahahhaha ....
Did a walk this morning with J and Monty pooch,it was BRILLIANT all the mud was nice and frozen and frosted over... no filthy pooches..... and it is set to stay tomorrow hurrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D then after I dropped Mum off this evening Wiggy and I did a power walk.. its all uphill for the most part and it was bracing as it had already dropped to -2 degrees.... stupid Tit's McGee chose to go to some lame 'dance' exercise thing for old biddies... she is a flabby blob.
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