
By BrandonK4


Today was a wednesday meaning i was at my apprentiship at a professional photographer, today another lad joined on wednesday so theres now 2 of us, for his first day i showed him the ropes and took him around bentham takeing photos, teaching him showed me just how i have come on since starting the apprentiship.

Anyway when i got home i was greeted by 4 parcels in my room which was the last of the things i purchased over the weekend, there was 4 yongnuo yn622c transeivers, 2 cheapo lightstand (£10 for 2), 2 shoot through umberellas, another Nissin di622 mk 2 and loads of rechargable AA batteries.

I ripped it all open put the batteries on charge and waited impatiently for them to do so, when they finally did charge i ask my sister if i could take a few shots of her just to test everything is working correctly, and it all worked perfectly.

I tried a few lighting setups to acheive butterfly lighting and rembrant lighting but then tried this i had one flash (which shes looking at) position above her and down at her, and then another one behind to act as a hair light, i took a few shot and messed around with the power of the flashes and this is my favourite of the lot.

Recently I have got into Strobist portraits quite alot and probably will upload another tomorrow as im back in school again.

Also i can highly recommend the Yongnuo yn622c''s for 4 it costs around £105 which is a bargain for ttl triggers, also the cheapo light stands and umberellas are very good for there price, i doubt theyd be much good in wind but they will do me just fine.

Next on the list is a soft box and some flash gels then lots of practice and experimentation.

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