
By SecondSeason

Merry Christmas

H Y G G E (hoo ga)

~ the art of building sanctuary and community, of inviting closeness and paying attention to what makes us feel openhearted and alive

~ to create well-being connection and warmth

~ a feeling of belonging to the moment and to each other

~ celebrating the everyday

I believe this is my 1095th entry as I joined 3 years ago on Boxing Day.
This past year has definitely been a struggle for me in keeping up on Blip as my time and attention was needed elsewhere.  I am grateful to those who have continued to view and comment on my photos even though I've been unable to reciprocate.  Blip is truly a wonderful, caring and encouraging community that I've so enjoyed being a part of.  Thanks to all of you for making it so. :)

I wish you the very best of the remaining holiday season and much peace and happiness throughout 2020!

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