snap.snap. // curious cat

By kiyala

Escaped from a crowded place

The feather was crowded into a pillow with several others just like it. It was easy to lose one's sense of identity when surrounded by twins. It was dark, there was nothing to do but be soft, to crowd against all its twins whenever somebody leaned back onto the couch cushion, to collectively mould into a shape that better accommodated somebody on the other side of the cushion cover. It was a tiring job, but the feather was made to do it.
Until one day, the feather saw a small speck of light.
"Ow." It heard, from the other side. "What is this?"
And then there was something pulling it. Sharp side first, then soft side. The darkness was gone and it was surrounded by light.
"Oh wow. There are feathers in here!" the voice exclaimed.
Of course there were feathers inside. The feather felt insulted.
It was placed on the table and promptly forgotten about. The feather began to miss the company of the identical feathers in the pillow.
The feather began to feel lonely.

And then it woke up and it was all a dream.
Heheh. Trying to make couch-cushion feathers more interesting.

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