Christmas with our great niece and nephew

We began the day with breakfast with my brother's family and grandchildren. A delicious quiche and the coffee ring my dad always made for Christmas, now made by my brother and sister-in law. Gifts were opened, other family members dropped in and then we sat down to a lovely ham dinner. Dessert was also a family tradition, a recipe for a cracker pudding that came from Scotland with my great great grandmother, Betsey Craigie Wallace in 1866. It came out of the ceramic pot perfectly this year, that was always my grandfather's job when I was a child. Many tense moments come to mind when the pudding pot was inverted on the plate with hopes of an easy release. We all love it and the rich, sweet creamy sauce.

T and I then went to one of her sisters for more desserts and presents. It was a wonderful day all around. We are tired and happy tonight.

Extra, our Christmas Greeting

For the Record,
This day came in cold and sunny.

All hands happy

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