Whatever it Takes

Wishing you wonderful Blip folk a very special Christmas. 
And a quote from Ann Voskamp, whose blog I've followed since before we left Brazil:

We can always have as much of God as we want. God throws open the door of this world - and enters as a baby. As the most vulnerable imaginable. Because he wants unimaginable intimacy with me. God. With. Me. God can't stay away. He disarms Himself of heaven so that I can take Him in arms on earth. Christmas is about God's doing whatever it takes to be with me - and my doing whatever it takes to be with Him.

That is what Christmas is about, really.

- my friend, Ermelinda's, crib scene(s), as we don't have one this year
- another day of "extreme eating" (as Mike put it), so grateful to have been included in their family Christmas, and getting to know her extended family
- surviving our first Christmas ever without our family, fairly cheerfully, helped by FaceTime chats with them

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