Hnefatafl is the board game for this Christmas. In our house, at least. Actually, K gave it to J for his birthday but it was late arriving so he got it today together with his Christmas present. Here they are playing it with the slightly doubtful help of a YouTube video. Loosely - very loosely - it's a kind of Viking chess. None of us have yet got the trick of pronoucing the name correctly.
It's been a really fun day..
I did go out early before the kids were awake, forgetting that by the time the sun came up the nature reserve would be full of runners scaring the wildlife with bobbled Santa hats. I was hoping for a WidWed shot for BobsBlips' challenge, but this is a wide shot too so will have to do instead. Thanks so much for hosting, Bob..
And a very happy Christmas to you all xx
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