The weather in the streets
Yesterday, LocalFoodLover kindly linked to me, referring to my sunny blips from the Mediterranean. So here's what the weather's like in the Languedoc this evening. There's something unnatural about it! But I'm sure it won't last -- with daylight, the temperature will rise above freezing and it will all melt. I see chaiselongue and BrodieB have had similar weather today.
I didn't blip yesterday, for the first time since I started. It was a deliberate decision: I spent half an hour tinkering with the best of a very poor bunch of photos, and ended up with something that looked like the kind of thing people post on Instagram. At which point, I thought, "No. Just don't blip at all." The most exciting thing that happened to me yesterday was watching the washing go round in my newly delivered washing machine. Did you want to waste time looking at a grungy picture of that? Thought not. (In my defence, it's 18 years since I last had the pleasure of watching washing go round in a new machine, and it is totally wonderful compared to the old one).
Today we made a new version of a website live. It was a bit of a nightmare -- between us we must have spent about 5 hours sorting out various glitches. Normally it goes much more smoothly than that! All is well now, but it meant not much time for blipping, and I could not contemplate two blipless days in succession. So here you go. And now I'm snug by the fire with a glass of vintage port and Mystère.
PS The title of this blip refers to a lovely novel by Rosamond Lehmann. It's a good read!
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