They Were On A Break

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I am sure you are as relieved as I am that Brad is finally back with Jen. I knew it was just a phase.

This is a picture from Wellington airport. Caro was picking up mags for the journey up to Tauranga. The flight was somewhat eventful. We had just boarded when we were told the flight panels had just been "fried" by an electrical fault and we all had to disembark. 

Various contradictory announcements followed. They were going to fly us to Auckland. And then there would be a bus to Auckland. Maybe. I effed off and sat down. But Caro became the Nerve Centre of all the aggrieved passengers, passing on information and co-ordinating picking up our bags so they could be re-checked to wherever we were going.

In the end we were directed back to the plane we had just got off. Apparently it would be flying us to Tauranga after all, and no, we didn't need to re-check our bags. 

"But do we WANT to fly on a plane that had just been 'fried'?" asked a surly passenger. 

So we were one hour late into Tauranga after all the drama. We had dinner with Feefs and family and given the low-down on the plans for tomorrow. 

We are not staying with Feefs this time. We have been loaned a house by a mate of Feefs who is away in Aussie. It is very nice to have a bit of space to ourselves. Plus, a little girl stays in this house who is OBSESSED with Caro. Really. Caro is her favourite person in the world ever. Caro gets photos and cards from her all the time, she is like this little mini-stalker. 

Caro reckons it is because she is a very girly little girl who likes rainbows and unicorns and make-up. It is actually very sweet. Apparently she begged her mum to be left behind so she could stay with Caro but mums are unreasonable about things like that. 

So that was my Christmas Eve, my lovely friends. Tomorrow I will be in a house with a lot of children. A LOT of children. Maybe I will take Tiggy Dog for a three hour walk. 


p.s. No, you may not borrow our mini-mag on "Surgery Disasters".

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