Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Ice ice baby


Well, if you live in a hole you wont know that the entirety of Britain is covered in ice and snow. I really think someone should of told the weather that after christmas it's not allowed to snow because that would be silly, but sometimes I totally forget its still winter time after new year. I'm slowing hoping for the warmth to come back now.

So, back on to this photo. I got home from les school and looked outside and felt an urge and a voice in my head of my dad telling me off for not taking enough winter photos for the christmas cards. He's silly but there you are. Anyways, I ventured out all of like 100 yards to find icicles on my summer house. It was all lovely until my Dad told me they can kill you if they're high up like on buildings in town. Dashing really.

I hope your all not too cold, stay warm by fires and under blankets.

Happy Blipping.

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