Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Sunday catch up

Up early, plumber coming to fit my washing machine - yippee - sad that I get so happy about that but being without a washing machine and relying on the good will of my family for 4+ weeks has been a struggle for me!!

Wrapping in the cards for today, final lot hopefully.

This is our Christmas present from our daughter, she went to a pottery painting thing and thought it would lovely and match the new kitchen :X) love it xxx


Washing machine took longer than anticipated - after a snack lunch, popped to the supermarket (not as bad as I thought), on to AJs flat to pick up some things and then onto AJ. She was listening to music (Alexa) in her room, a choir had been in and the had had a lovely serenade of Christmas songs. Still happy. :)

Back home, work completed on the appliance fitting, trial run with washing machine and tumble dryer - yippee, all working well, relief..... :)

Watched tv in the evening - didn’t get wrapping done, tomorrow’s job :)


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