Bright but Chilly!
Nipped down to the beach this morning and it was freezing! Even the sand was frozen solid! It was a very brisk run up and down the beach, and only one other dog in sight.
Since the storms around Christmas time the south end of the beach has been covered in a thick layer of tangles, Laminaria stipes, uprooted and torn from the sea bed and piled up on the sand. In places it is nearly a metre deep and starting to get a wee bit smelly! Didn't deter Ollie, who ran over the top of it, into the sea and had a bit of a dip!
It days gone by the harvesting of Laminaria was big business for crofters here in the islands. It was hauled up and piled on trestles on the shore line to dry out, before being sold to the alginate industries for use in food manufacturing. Wonder whether it's a pastime worth reviving in the current economic climate . . . .
I've done absolutely nothing to this shot - these are the colours nature gave me!
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