Hanging with the guys

The guys were lined up on the rail as usual and I'd forgotten to take any bread as usual. The swans were getting in the way (a bit too close), not realising, perhaps, that the swan ration was full for this month. They were hissing at the dog and the dog was goading them. All in all not great conditions for relaxing with the camera. The light, on the other hand, was great but I didn't quite make the best of it. Maybe I should have put up the tripod. I certainly should have brought down the ISO. Maybe too I should have taken wider shots and cropped but that too would have compromised detail. Then there's the slow auto-focus so I have to use manual and the bloody gulls will never stand still until they do stand still and that's boring so I'm getting them to fly again with pretend bread-throwing gestures that they get wise to. Yup I certainly would like a posher camera, that or a few stuffed gulls. Then again, I do like that light through the wings and capturing that, after all, was the sole purpose of going there. Sorry about the untidy crowd at foot of frame, then, but the guys are like that. They're just not house trained.

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