Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Awake earlier than intended again today after another fairly rough night; I'm a naturally fidgety sleeper so I keep rolling into positions that hurt my arm or leg and waking myself up. Very annoying. After a bit of housework, a bacon and egg sammy and a Christmas food delivery, I hunkered down for some editing. It's only flippin' Episode 100 of Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour! Can't quite believe I've been waffling for that long and that people have actually been listening to it! I managed to get the whole 2hr spectacular edited, stitched together, uploaded and scheduled for release on Christmas Eve in under 3.5hrs, which bodes well-ish for work tomorrow because it didn't irritate my shoulder too much. Tucked into this delicious bubble and squeak soup with toast whilst watching Captain Marvel (we're almost done with our MCU rewatch and I still adore this movie). I'm now all tucked under a blanket watching Binging With Babish. It's making me kinda hungry...!

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