
By Beewriter

Fab Friends

Sue came to mine yesterday afternoon and we had mulled wine and nibbles....and more mulled wine...and a bit more mulled wine. I’d had quite enough by the time Terry came to take her home. I felt a bit rough this morning but I managed to get up and go and do a bit of shopping. I had to get a ‘Secret Santa’ gift to take to the Coven’s Christmas Get Together. We had a maximum of £2 to spend, but it was amazing what we managed to get.

There was more mulled wine to be quaffed and some fizz too. She Who Cannot Be Named (doesn’t do social media) took this pic for me. Sadly, Tracey was missing as she thought we were getting together on Monday...sigh. It was a lovely afternoon and fab food...I think I’ve had enough mulled wine to see me through to next December though.

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