Smile For Me

By AndreaT


This is my adventure for today :p
I had one of the best times ever!
it was Normsport today- I don't know why they call it that... but its basically all the grades competing in athletics against eachother.
I made the team for the 600m, 150m and long jump so I'm very excited about that! :D
I just need to get fit- wow i was so happy i wasn't the only one :p
The grade 8s were dressed in black, grade 9 yellow, gr10 blue, gr11 green and the grade 12s in red.
In the photo from left: Mikayla, Arianne (the tall blonde), Lene', Pierre, then me (in the hat), Scott above me, kevin next to me and then Hendrik with the shoelaces tied around his head like a ninja :p
I really do feel as if my days are backwards! I wake up tired and go to sleep late... I'm not a morning person at all :/
I have six months to decide what to do for the rest of my life... Its scary. guys, please help... Do you guys know of any good jobs I can do research on?
I swear, if I got payed to be lazy, I'd be a billionaire!
Enjoy your day further guys!

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