
By jenharrison

The BIG Christmas Food Shop

Up early this morning. First stop was for coffee and toast to help prepare for battle. Then off to Sainsbury for the BIG xmas food shop. I hate this day. Busy shops, lots of people, long queues and very little in the way of Christmas cheer. That done home to put it all away. This afternoon Rich and I popped back out to a different shop to buy the booze. That was much less painful. Afterwards we rewarded ourselves with another coffee and cake at Booths cafe. Danielle works at the Booths cafe. Bless her she said it had been a busy day and she won't be finished until 8 tonight. She came and wiped our table for us, more as an excuse for a quick chat. I asked if she'd be my blip for today. She agreed but was a bit embarrassed.

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