A Small Celebratory Swallow...

So the roller coaster ride we've been on is gently coming to rest... the kind assistant is waiting to open the carriage and let us out into a far calmer scene than the one we have recently been enjoying. That certainly calls for a drink.

Charlotte is home from Germany, and I picked her up from Bristol along with Aunty Laurie who is staying with us a couple of nights before we all migrate over to someone's house on Sunday where a significant birthday is due.

Before coming home we visited Janet in Southmead, which was only curtailed when they came to take her for another scan. The result of the scan was a small intervention that has hopefully sorted (almost) everything out.

There's every chance Janet will be home tomorrow. Again, thank you so much for all your lovely comments; they really have been appreciated. And it's so lovely to have Charlie home too. It's starting to feel a lot like Yule...

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