Hiding In The Undergrowth

I delivered the picture this morning.
Unfortunately I hadn't picked up a camera because I passed a house with a plane's nosecone and windscreen in the garden ….. very strange.

When SWMBO was heading off to have her nails done she dropped me off so I could go into The Larder's office to drop off their cut of the picture sale (a much higher percentage than the 10% asked) and take in some miniature bird houses for the full time staff to choose from. There was only one of the girls in - the rest of them were at the satellite café which they are relinquishing to concentrate or their larger teaching establishments.
So I left the box of houses and had a leisurely wander home - past the lovely burr elm bench made from a tree which came down a number of years ago, the gate which is nearly hidden these days (I wasn't sure if it should be in colour or black and white) and the perfectly good discarded brolly ,,,,, which I left as I am not in need of one and the next passer-by might be.

After collecting the monsters from school and them having lunch and changing we headed up to The Larder at Strathbrock for our lunch - where I was able to catch the lady from the management who was the inspiration for the miniature bird houses and let her know of box back at the office. She was delighted with the gifts and the donation I am pleased to say.

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