The second half of life..

By twigs


This is one of the lilies J popped round with yesterday.  Beautiful, and definitely worthy of a shot.  It's a pity I can't capture and share the smell too, though I know not everyone thinks they're as gorgeous as I do.

I did a little pottering around the garden, avoided doing the bigger jobs I know I should be doing and eventually had to accept that I DID need to brave the supermarket.  It wasn't quite as busy as I had feared it would be so that was a bonus :D  Still, the Christmas energy is palpable, roads are busier, more visitors in our wee supermarket than usual.

I popped into the vets on the way home and gave them a choclatey gift and card to say thank you for looking after LB - and me - over the past month in particular.  They really are a bunch of very special people.  Also popped over the road this evening to give J & A's cat LB's leftover biscuits.  J & A have often fed LB when I've gone away so it was nice to be able to share LB's biscuits with their cat,  Shadow who I feed when they go away.

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