Gitama's World

By Gitama

Zoms Opening

Yesterday afternoon we piled in the car and drove south for my dear friends Art Exhibition. It has been a long time in the process and I have been with her on the journey to pull it all together (on the phone). It takes her ages to finish just one painting and the fact that she exhibited 14 I was very proud of her tenacity and dedication to get into her studio even through the fear of the bush fires so close to her house and having to evacuate for a spell.
I was too tired last night to post was late by the time we got home.

This morning I woke to find out that 2 volunteer Firemen had perished in the fires which left me reeling......then when I opened up my emails there was some other news that just tipped me over the heart goes out to a very special friend..........tears are very close today.

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