Ottolenghi for dummies

After walking along the hillside to deliver cards I had a major cooking morning for newly-weds Linda and Colin coming to eat with us tonight. Also Carol and Phil. Made Borsch, then a chickpea aubergine red pepper and chorizo stew. Pudding was this calorie-fuelled chocolate, gingernut and salted pecan log. (Normally I have to google to find out what the Ottolenghi ingredients actually are then find they are not available in our local co-op). I also made a Christmas pudding ice cream. I just made up the recipe- whisked egg yolks and icing sugar, folded in whipped cream, crumbled Xmas pudding and rum. It was good and didn’t need further stirring/beating.

We had a cocktail I made up called a Flirtini to toast the happy couple and a Polish vodka shot with the soup, and red wine with the main. It was a good night!

It is lovely to see Linda happy. Her first husband died after breaking ribs in his 40s only a few weeks after our #1 daughter died. I never felt I supported her enough, nor did I get the support from friends I maybe needed, as things moved on so quickly from our daughter’s death to another friend’s serious stroke to Linda’s husband dying, all in a matter of 3 weeks.

Now we have to clear the debris and get up early for the 8 hour round trip to Lancs for one of my oldest friend’s funeral. I’m glad we got back in time but it’ll be a tough day.

I’m sorry to have fallen so far being with comments on journals. It has been a tiring a busy time since we got back.

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