TRAUMATIC doesn't even cover it???!!!

Sooooo...................... today I went out on my morning walk 7.45-8.30am. I just trekked around on my lead but at least we managed to do the morning walk before it started to rain.

Came home, had breakfast, Ann caught up with her 'soaps,' and then at about 10.30am she said, 'Trixie, I'm going to go to Asda in Hayle cos I need to stock up on wine etc for Xmas.

…...........But then all these posts on FaceBook kept popping up saying that the whole of Hayle was flooded and that people should avoid Hayle. In 20 years of living in Cornwall, Ann has never known Hayle to be flooded. Anyway, flooded it was, so she decided to go to the St Ives Tesco instead even though they didn't have 25% off 6 bottles of wine.

So off she goes upstairs to reapply her lipstick cos she never goes anywhere without her lipstick and when she reaches the top of the stairs, it's like a waterfall is coming through the landing ceiling. …....................Very close to the landing light, and the switches on the wall for the immersion and heated towel rail in the bathroom.

After thinking that we were going to be electrocuted I was actually downstairs playing with my squeaky ball at this stage so I would have been OK and that the whole ceiling was going to fall in, and after she'd cried a bit, and thought OMG. OMG, OMG what am I going to do? ….........She thought about what she was going to do.................. Sometimes it's really, really, hard being a single female without any support. And apparently I was no use whatsoever.

Very, very, very, long story short! …..........Once Ann had calmed down, she summarised there were two possible explanations why we had a waterfall coming through our landing ceiling;

Our hot water tank, which lives in the loft, had sprung a leak.
There was a 'hole' in our roof and the weather was sooooo bad that the rain was leaking into the loft and then leaking through our landing ceiling.

Phoned STAR (see yesterdays BLIP) & Marius popped round with his ladders and went into the loft. Turns out there was a MASSIVE hole in the roof. It's probably been there for weeks. But because we have a lot of insulation in the loft it's just been soaking into the insulation stuff.

Today the weather has been absolutely horrendous. The whole of St Ives was actually cut off at one point because the A30 & the road through Hayle were like a river.

Anyway, getting a bit fed up ranting about today's trauma now. Ann phoned her management company (because the roof is a communal issue) and within two hours a couple of very lovely guys had come out, discovered that a HUGE tile that had become dislodged, went up onto the roof and solved the problem.

...............It's not solved the problem completely though because there was a MASSIVE hole in the roof and the felting below the tiles needs replacing, etc, etc, etc,

…...........BUT at least we don't have a waterfall coming through our landing ceiling any more. Yay!!!

….....................Oh and then, after all that trauma, I went for a walk on the beach where I spent a lot of time digging holes.

..............And when I got home I got shut in my crate and Ann went off to do a bit of 'afternoon drinking' with people she worked with  for 3 years in the 'Harbour Pool Club'

She's home now and I went into the field for a bit of a trek around before we settled in for the night.

Weather is still horrendous, but at least we're settled in for the night.

.............................And at least we don't have a waterfall coming through our landing ceiling anymore.

Thank you #STAR & #JSROOFING 

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