horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Christmas Bike

Noel, Noeeeelllll..... Yes, it was 2 below and I was lying on the ground under a bridge lining up yet another shot of the bike. I needed the break from nasty thoughts - work had been fine today, till about 10 to 5. And then there was an undermining, conclusion-jumping, misinterpreting, belittling email that landed in the inbox.

[deleted a whole load of background] To say I was pissed off would be understating somewhat.

Yeah. I'm looking forward to tomorrow... And that's why I was riding round the Figgy, testing the ice tyres, in the late darkness, spotting a guy who I think was hunting rabbits with an air rifle, because it gave me something else to think about other than extreme frustration and lingering anger.

p.s. a year ago today, see the wee box, my best photo yet of a Kingfisher (possibly, the one in France in 2012 was also pretty nice, but not as sharp in flight as this one was sitting on a branch)

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