Young Buck
Today was a very cold day (-22 C with the windchill) and tonight is supposed to get even colder. Mother Nature seems to have a twisted sense of humour as it is going to be 4 C this weekend. Likely people will be wearing shorts...... ; ) I had dressed for the weather so went out after work. I saw two Cardinals all puffed up but not clear shots as they were huddled in a tree. Little Red was no where to be seen, so likely hibernating for the day. So with everything so quiet, I decided to go into the woods to see if the deer were bedded down keeping warm. I did spot a few lying down so I pretended that I did not see them so that I would not disturb them.
As I was approaching the clearing where I saw the deer last night, I spotted a few walking through the trees and knew that they would cross paths with me if I waited long enough, so walked a bit further down, turned around and waited. 36 does came out of the woods, one by one, and crossed over to the other section of woods. I started taking individual photos of them and then realized that was silly as they just kept coming. A few noticed me and started to walk along the path through the tall grasses. Super...snap, snap, snap. I thought I had my blip when all does turned to look down the path.....Young Buck had brought up the 'rear'!! I wish I would have videotaped his approach. He walked parallel to me and acted like he didn't see me, though I could tell by his ears that he was very much aware of me. When he got near two of the does, he sniffed them and they gave their little jump away from him. Then he turned and stared at me. I got a great photo with one of the does framed by his antlers...and thought, "Blip!" Nope. Both turned their heads in unison (main blip) as Alpha Doe showed up. Oh dear deer....I am guessing he wasn't invited to the party ;))
Now I am home warming up...and heading out shortly to pick up my daughter from work before it is back home to go to bed. I must thank each and everyone of you for sending all the 'love' this way for Little Red and for Alpha very much appreciated :))
Two more days....
D x
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