Nice Tit.

I put the bird feeders back up at the weekend. There's been a great tit on the big station doodah in the chicken run, but this feeder on the drive is being drilled by all sorts. As I pulled in after collecting Red from nursery, this little blue tit was filling his boots. But I forgot to switch the flash off and scared him away!

I spent the morning back at Treliske, this time with a gynaecologist. She was very lovely and has given me yet more tablets to try and defeat these hives. I will rattle as I walk at this rate - I return to dermatology for their pills at the end of the month!

The afternoon was spent preparing for Brownies and we had a cracking evening with them - party games and cake. What's not to like about that?! Although its weigh in day tomorrow. I'm not hopeful...

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