With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


What a blissful way to wake up, with hail against the window and another cup of tea in bed. We had an invigourating walk to the Port the Sa Figuera way, coffee and then the tram back. I was tutted at, but forgiven, for forgetting my discount card and carrying Dougal the dawg in a bag. He should be covered aparently. After some gentle hours, we started to cook an early dinner and then started to watch the film on the left. It's heavy going but so well done and I needed a break part way through. I had to watch it. Geoff's illustrations and Louis Ryan's excellent poem Magdalen Graveyard will be launched in the next few months and I am very lucky to have a draft version. I read it to Mrs Pepperpot while she was here. Chillingly haunting. Fortified by roast chicken with parnsips, I sniffed my way to the end and then relaxed infront of the fire looking at the Camino book on the right. And so to bed with a full soul.

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