
By beckie

Another snowy day

Woke up to a beautiful covering of snow!
Tyler thought it was wonderful & exciting!!
I did too, until I realised how annoying snow can be for us grown ups! & how much it just seems to reduce us into utter chaos!
When your 11, snow = fun snowball fights, sledging down hills & staying out till you can't feel your hands & face but not really caring coz "it's snowing!!"
Grown ups have tasks such as clearing the car, dealing with roads that are all slippy & slidey, and boring sensible things like that!
The inner child in me came out this afternoon when I wrapped up & took myself off for a walk round the village, theres something quite special about being the first one to walk in the fresh snow!
Cracking & crunching underfoot! Loved it!
Wished I'd had someone with me to throw snowballs at!! He hee! But had to get sorted to get out to work tonight!
Tomorrow, I shall make time to enjoy it some more!! :)
Hope it's not too bad where you are!

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