
By Arachne


The only bit of the election run-up that I've faced - the hustings on the climate emergency.
The Tory candidate wasn't there but had sent a councillor who knew a little about climate and how '20% of emissions come from people cooking over filthy stoves in the Third World'. Fortunately there was a Fact-Checker on hand who was able to tell the room that this was not true.
The Green candidate was there and wasn't impressive.
The Labour candidate had been summoned away at the last moment to be the token woman on the BBC's Question Time but at least she had prepared some answers to guessed questions for her spokesperson to read out.
The Lib Dem candidate was there and had all the facts (accurate ones) at his fingertips as well as the passion.

But the whole thing made no difference to my voting plans. Who are hustings for?

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