Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Outside Mundial Supermarket

Back blip

No exercise walk today. In fact, I felt a bit tired, so decided not to do any Aptis marking - recipe for marking incorrectly and being suspended!  Instead, I had coffee and toast out in the morning in Cafeina, then Bb and I enjoyed a light plate at lunchtime in Biscui, the por kilo place at the top of our street. I finished reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - there were tears. Anyone else read it?  Dinner at another por kilo restaurant on Siqueira Campos and once again wondered if a very good quality por kilo restaurant would work in Barcelona. Portugal? Any thoughts amandoAlantejo?  And if not, why not?  Popped into Mundial Supermarket for milk and got my blip on leaving. 

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