Goodbye .....
..... Brian.
Today we said goodbye to this wonderful man. Such an intelligent person bright as a button to the last. It was a great service and tribute to his life, he was so loved that there was an awful lot to fit in by his family and friends who paid him the most wonderful tributes.
His D in L who was also a priest told us something he and her talked about during his illness. I really want to share , so - - quote ...
Brian - - - Helen do you believe in God?
Helen - - - yes Brian , I do believe in God, but do you believe in him?
Brian - - - after a pause , yes Helen I believe in God . Another pause , but no one can prove it.
Helen - - - no they can't you're right, but , no one can prove love either?
To which Brian gave a smile and a nod.
This said it all about this lovely man well versed in science and a great mathematician. He had a very dry sense of humour ,very honourable and always preaching with thought and searching . The congregation had real " food for thought" when he had preached. Even into his 80's he never had a script just a few crib cards which he sometimes used , but not often.
Brian we miss you .
Appreciate being able to share in this service. Also on leaving church to do a RACK ( with pleasure)
R. I. P Brian you will be sadly missed
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