
An inclement day as a substantial turn in the weather with a turn for  the worse hits the country. 
We had rain and a tornado up north but luckily in spite of that The Bossess arrived and The Boss and I went to pick her up at the airport and broke all the rules by picking her up at the drop off spot. Don’t ask me about that but it worked a treat and we were gone in a flash for free as the tech had read our numberplate and concluded that there was nothing to pay so refused to let the card thing be inserted and just opened the drawbridge and out we went. 
Ain’t tech grand.....
 It is still lovely and warm...Just lovely and wet too.

Oh. And we got a Christmas tree this morning. He got shamed into it by a lovely Blipper so expect a tree pic in the future. AND thanks “P”  we have had a ton of fun.

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