Repurposed Shipping Palettes

These guys arrived last year with the kids who made them (I suspect with a lot of help from Joni and possibly Pinterest.) John had them out by the driveway to spray them with a sealer, since it is supposed to start raining again. We decided we like them there because we can see their faces from the kitchen window.

John is still grumbling that he isn't perfect after four Pilates classes, but he is getting the hang of it despite a sprained thumb which he thinks he did pruning....I think he loves going to coffee after class which is definitely a great motivator. Larry has a new dog which he doesn't want to leave home alone for more than a couple of hours, so he actually found someone on the internet, a licensed therapist, to write him a letter stating that she is an 'emotional companion dog'. Bob, who is a psychiatrist, rolled his eyes, but we are often rolling our eyes at Bob too. 

Fortunately, we are all on the same page politically, so we can have wide ranging discussions without fear of ruining any friendships. I think Trump has opened the door for a raft of candidates around the world who lie with impunity and feel no accountability for what they say. The thing I don't understand is why  so many people continue to support him knowing that....

Having gotten that out of our systems we came home to do battle with the solar panel people (John) and find a way to escape the three leaf blowers and two chainsaws going all at once next door (me) A single lady lives there with her dog, a lovely old golden retriever named Bentley, and she seems to have a pathological aversion to leaves. That becomes a problem at this time of year, which she solves by having her very long driveway blown clear almost daily.  Then she comes home from work and blows some more...even in the rain....At least she hasn't figured out how to blow leaves, or even see them, in the dark yet....

I escaped to the shopping center....not my best option, but I did find some tiny lights for the tiny Christmas tree in the entryway....

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