High Line All The Way

Today we headed west to Thomas Heatherwick’s (designer of the torch at the London 2012 Olympics) latest project in New York - the Vessel. It was a slightly curious object, certainly photogenic and provided great views. 

It also marks the north end of the High Line, which was a disused elevated railway platform that has been gradually transformed over the last 20 years into a park, a pathway through the city above the streets. We loved it! We strolled down and at the south end is the new Whitney Museum of modern American art. 

Did I mention it got up to 33 degrees Celsius? 

It was supposed to be sunny all day and torrential the following day. After we had a good look around the Whitney, we strolled back up the High Line, passing a photo shoot for new shoes and various sights from the path. Just as we reached the north end, close to our subway stop, it gently began to rain. That was the moment when Tim realised he didn’t have his phone. To cut a long story short, within an hour he was reunited with it thanks to two lovely German tourists who had found it and couldn’t have been nicer. It was a tense hour where we both got soaked through but it had a happy ending. 

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