The Real Christmas

I sometimes write poems and the other evening I said to hubby “I think I’ve a poem coming on!” and here it is......
There’s cards to write and gifts to buy, there's cooking to be done
There’s wrapping of the presents, Have you forgotten anyone?

It’s frantic, it’s a nightmare, will they like our gift or not
Will the turkey be cooked, Will the cake be iced, It’s time to lose the plot

Come Christmas morn we’re all worn out. The children wake at dawn
There’s paper and there’s boxes, strewn across the living room floor

If time we may go to church, because it’s the done thing
We’ll greet each other with a hug and have a good old sing

On arriving home we hope to find - that the dinner is actually cooked
The presents can wait till we’ve eaten, but I’m sure that someone has looked

To see which parcel belongs to them and what may be inside
They’ll have to wait a bit longer or they’ll spoil the surprise.

The Queens speech comes on the tele and everyone stops to watch
Granny’s fallen fast asleep and Grandpas on the scotch

But have you noticed whats missing. Why does Christmas happen at all
Isn’t it all about the baby born in the cattle stall

There was no room in the inn that night, so a stable became the place
For the baby Jesus to be born - somewhere where he was safe

His birth was among the animals - He lay in a manger bed
There was no crown to adorn this new born baby’s head

The shepherds and the wise men guided by the star
Came bringing gifts to Jesus from countries afar

Do you think of him at Christmas, do you give him a second thought
There a gift he wants to give you, and it’s one that can’t be bought

He wants to give forgiveness for all the wrongs you've done
He wants to love and care for you as if you were the only one

He’ll never let you down, He’ll never let you go
He’ll walk life’s journey with you wherever you may go

So give him a chance this Christmas to show his love for you
Ask him to come into your life it’s the best thing you can do!

Accept the greatest present that you can ever receive
The message is so simple .... you just - have - to - believe!

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