Local with Character

My visit to Dorset didn't quite go to plan from the word go.

Heather had told her ex husband, Peter, that I had intended going down to Kimmeridge Bay to do some photography. I love the fossil rich stones and the lines and cracks formed in the rocks. It's one of those places where I can loose myself happily for hours.

Peter was eager to catch up and I'd agreed to ring when I'd arrived. Knowing full well there is no mobile signal I rang from the turn off to Kimmeridge. I knew my time would be limited when he said he, and his new partner Carolyn, would meet me there a little later. The ''little later'' turned out to be Carolyn calling me from across the rocks only a few minutes after I'd set up my camera and Peter joined us not long after. Oh well, no harm done, I will be down again shortly.

It was almost lunch time so they suggested we go to The Square and Compass. It's a real pub, with real people, and a tiny one room museum attached which is crammed with fossils. It has been run for generations by the same family and the type of place I only have to think for one second before affirming that I'd love to go there. If you think you don't like pasties, I'd suggest you try one all the same. Pasty is the only item on the menu, but well worth a drive out to savour.

Having come off a night duty, driven two hours and now rather sated with the pubs delicious pasty, Peter decided we should have a 'short walk'. We started out from Worth Matravers, walking all the way down the very steep hill which finishes at fascinating old quarries and stunning views from the cliff edge... and marched back up the hill again. A little pink and in need of a good shower, I turned up at Heathers, much later than I had anticipated with two very muddy dogs!

Having showered the dogs and myself, Heather and I settled down to a lovely meal. A couple of drinks down, the tiredness caught up with me. I flopped into a comfy bed.

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