A Hundred Not Out

I was invited to the birthday party of a special centenarian this afternoon. Not only was she an FP of my school, and my old family doctor, but she actually lived in my old castle when I was a teenager growing up in the house next door.
If you have followed this far you will see that we have much in common, so I really wanted to get to the party gathering at one of her daughter’s house in Lundin Links . This you understand is not easy even if Edinburgh lies just across the water but is 40 miles by road and especially not easy if you don’t have a car. To the rescue came daughter #2 with her wheels and I had a lovely celebratory afternoon.
If you have to live to be 100, then to be sharp as a tack , interested in everything, mobile and au fait with the internet, then , it might be worth it. Dorothy is an amazing example of this.

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