
A fine calm day, with some sunny spells.  A few lights showers this evening. 

We had a great night out last night, and woke feeling fairly fresh this morning.  A morning around the house, and then headed out with Sammy.  Dad popped along this afternoon for a cuppa.  More walkies this evening with Sammy, and then off to do an extra shift in the pub. 

I was out on a mission this afternoon, looking for a landslide, but couldn't find it.  I finally stopped off to have a walk, and Sammy was in much need to stretch his legs.  This old house was once in the middle of a World War Two R.A F. camp, and one of the bigger camps in Shetland.  One fantastic photo has men posing for a photo, from road level, right up on top of the roof.  Taken at Graven, Delting. 

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