
We had an extremely noisy time with Syrian friends at one of the camps today. They have 7 children under 10 in a small room with cousins there too! It was so fun!

This baby was born 'dead'. Blue and not breathing, so she was wrapped in a blanket and put aside and her mother was told to get up and go home. After 5 minutes they heard a cry and found she was alive! Thank you Lord!

We all felt so sad today sitting around in a circle talking about their children as the dad (who's actually a very nice guy) went on about how stupid his daughter is. She's 8 and is repeating year 2 for the 4th year now (you repeat if you fail). I so want to help but don't know what to do. If only we lived close to them, lily would love to go and teach her. Her family are all illiterate, no one can help. She's destined to grow up believing she's stupid, which she very much isn't. I'm so frustrated about it.

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