The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Reprieve

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Thankfully, although it was a late night, drinking lots of water along with our wine saved me from a hangover*. Which was lucky because it was a sad day to wake up
In this country (but that’s all I’ll say on that).

I spent the morning waiting in to have my boiler serviced** so it was a very nice surprise to get 2 packages from New Zealand. We are going to decorate the tree tomorrow so the timing is perfect.

Boiler man came 4 hours into the 5 hour slot and then had to book in another appointment because it’s leaking. No one wants a leaky boiler!

I managed to stay up to the crazy time of 9 pm before admitting defeat (after The Prince woke me up and I yelped loudly to the amusement of The Mini Princesses)


PS this is a photo that doggy day care put in a Christmas card for Murphy!

*Unlike Kitty Cat, I got a text from her saying “Wtf were we thinking? I’m broken.” Her eldest son also mentioned that he had been woken up by people singing at 2.30 am!

**Why can’t I say that without sounding rude?

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